Monday, December 14, 2009

Barbara Ras

If only I had said it as well.

Bukowski, No. 6

Was seventeen when I wandered upon this poem. Haven't stopped coming back to it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another week, Another Reading

Reading at the Boise Public. Great support from Log Cabin Lit Center (just on the heels of the Great Kim Barnes' Reading last week. Plus, Tony Doerr has a habit of hanging around. Pretty surreal company). Got to talk shop with some smart folks.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reading at Boise State

Just read a bit of Till The Last Dollar Is Blown to some young bucks at BSU. Was a kick. One kid came up and did a card trick at the end. We went to Cricket's afterward and played BuckHunter and drank cheap beer and went to town on the all-you-can-eat taco buffet. It was a good, good night.